Thursday, July 21, 2011

Has my racism improved the quality of my life?

In my not-so-seasoned opinion, you have to look at both sides of the coin. There are many white people that are exactly as you describe when you talk about black people. The problem is, there's still this invisible "racist" ideal that Americans have yet to reveal because of how sensitive the issue is right now. One would think that mankind would just grow up and realize that we're all the same. We're just brought up differently because that's what we believe we should be doing. Do I blame you for feeling the way you do? Absolutely not because you're entitled to feel that way. But I do think that your vision may be slightly clouded. Your dissuasion of your daughter dating a black male may seem right for you but what is it really teaching her? We all must learn from our actions and, by you keeping her from the experience, she won't learn anything and may even be slightly "brainwashed" (and I mean that not in an offensive way) to believe the same as you when she should be making that determination all on her own. I realize that you're simply trying to help her down what you see is the right path but the only path that is right is the one that SHE chooses to go down. If it's wrong, she will have only grown from it. A wise man once said to not just go through life but to grow through life. You can't grow if you're holding yourself back from appreciating all aspects of life either good or bad. It just is.

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